
Talipanan Beach

We haven't even unpacked yet from our last beach trip and here we go again. We left saturday morning and we're here till tuesday. Nothing really exciting about this trip other than Ryan will be getting his advance open water scuba diving. And as much as we hate Puerto Galera we don't really have a choice because the dive shop that we know is here. But thank god for trip advisor we found Talipanan beach. It's really far from famous White Beach but that's allright. I just never really like it there as famous means crowded. We can just take a tricycle if we need to go to dive shop.

Zombie mode on our way to Puerto Galera

Talipanan beach is small, i think there's only 4 or 5 resorts on this area.
But the quietness of the area is what makes it better than crowded white beach. This place is good for people that wants a peaceful and quiet atmosphere. 

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