
I Need A Freaking Drink Right Now

Ever have one of those days where things just go from bad to worse? Ugh!!!! I feel like the whole universe is against me. One mistake after another. We're supposed to fly back to Manila yesterday after attending A State of Trance 600 Kuala Lumpur and Future Music Festival Asia last weekend but we missed the flight.
As much as we hated it we didnt really had a choice but to stay one more night here in KL. So we bought a ticket again for today just to find out that we actually missed it again. Flight was at 1:20am and I thought it was f*ckin 1:20 since it was written on the website as 0120h. Arrrgh i feel so stupid.
Now we're back at our hotel room again and hoping we won't have any prob anymore tom. I'm so ready to be home now. Pictures from ASOT and FMFA coming soon. :)

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