
Future Music Festival Asia 2013

The second day of FMFA was even wilder than the first one. Even though there was more people that came at ASOT600 the whole night was still crazy. I've seen lots people laying on the ground, passed out or puking. From the entrance I've seen some groups also carrying their friend outside the event. A girl look like was having seizure on the ground and to my dismay the staff at the event was just watching her. I felt so bad that i had to ask them to call for medics. What's the use of having ambulance and medics at the event if they are just watching them almost passing out.

This is my very first music festival. I'm used to just going to club events where in you can have all the comfort that you need. A vip stage if you need more air, attentive waiters, and of course my boyfriend and friends that will not leave me no matter what.

So seeing those things bothered me so much. Can't stop thinking what if i was that girl. But then i know myself so much too that i will never risk my night just like that. I just wished those group would learn their lesson next time to party responsibly.

 I love how my diy top came out. I ran out of cotton clothes to wear at the festival so i asked Ryan if it's ok to cut his Calvin Klein shirt. Haha (thank you babe). I didn't really know that it is hot as hell in Malaysia. Good thing i love sleeping wearing boyfriend's t shirt so i had an extra.:D

Normally i like to be in front of the stage. No matter how crowded it is i will always find ways to get in front. But this time i didn't even think of going to the dance floor. With Prodigy on the stage? There's just no way I'd brave it. :D Besides I'm not really into Prodigy. I just went because Ryan wanted to see them. It's a compromise since he's not really into Trance either. :)

We were so glad to have found a stall that was selling margarita. And not just margarita, the mix was really good also. A bit pricey but its better than drinking that shit Asahi beer. Ryan and I were both so upset on Friday night to find out that the whole event was just selling Asahi beer. Like WTF! No hard liqiour at the Festival is just so wrong. First, not all people loves beer and second, if they had a deal with Asahi Malaysia they should have at least put in on their website or facebook page. We bought these vip tickets hoping that we'll have our own bar just to find out that the bar is only filled of Asahi beer. But oh well, we're not really gonna ruin our night just for that. :D

I love the fireworks. What a great way to end the night.

Top - Calvin Klein Skirt - Nasty Gal Purse - Nasty Gal Sandals - Zara

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