
Loboc River Resort - Jungle Paradise

I'm so glad i picked this over other hotels in Bohol. The place is just wonderful. The staff are all very attentive and always greeting us with a real smile. Khenzie felt at home instantly. During idle time he would ask me if he could stay at the reception area and just chat with the hotel staff. He probably felt the warm treatment from them too. The wooden walkway leading to our nipa huts on stilt and a river view outside our bedroom, chickens and birds roaming around gave me a very countryside feel. That was exactly what i wanted for Khenzie to experience. He was so happy roaming around the resort riding a carabao with the help of one of the staff's son. He also went with them to fed the resorts chicken, ducks and the wild monkeys on the nearby island. He went fishing too and was so happy he caught some tilapia. And that's what the staff cooked for our dinner. :D

All the foods are really tasty. Every morning we were given some complimentary desserts courtesy of the owner. Our first plan was to stay for just one night and we'd go to Panglao beach on the next day but since the place, food and staff  were all lovely we decided to just stay at the resort.

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